Play and Earn! Play fun games and make money!

make money!

Play and win! Play fun games and earn money!

Earn free money by playing simple games and invite your friends!
Win coins and turn them into real money!

Money can be earned anytime and anywhere. Clear and simple.

Payments above our minimum can be pulled back to your PayPal account at any time of the day! It may take up to 7 days for your service to pay for it.

Official rules and regulations:

Call a Friend – Invite your friends to join the app and earn points by signing up. Additional points will be added to your account when your friend reaches the required number of points.

Puzzle – Match pieces and complete the puzzle

Pula Polo – Collect balloons and avoid bombs

Dot Line – Connect dots, make some squares and hit your partner.

Research – Be careful and answer correctly to a number of questions. If your answers are useful, you will get a large number of ideas.

Stay on the cell phone – Earn points even if you just stay on the cell phone app.

Daily Calendar – Go into the app every day to get new scores. The more days in a row you go to the app, the more points you get.

Plan – Compete with other players, earn the most coins per day and add a bonus of 500 points to your balance.

Detailed information on how to use the app and service can be found in our terms and conditions:

If you need support, you can reach us on Facebook at:

For information on how we process your information, please see our privacy policy:

NOTE: All games, promotions, brands and brands
provided by Play and Earnare affiliated with Google Inc.
Terms are supported by Play and Get Only.
Not all benefits and / or symptoms are like Google’s results; and if they have an affiliation with Google.