Wowbox brings everyone everywhere. Undefined, in which network you find, you can enjoy and enjoy content in your own language. For more information updates, lifestyle tips, entertainment videos, sports, whites and more!
Wowbox is a Lifestyle app, which certainly offers a great selection and content. Anyone can enjoy Wowbox, without any Telenor Myanmar customer,
Telenor Pakistan and Grameenphone having Zugriff on the exclusive privileges in Wowbox, which z. B. Great discounts and local offers include the possibility of winning prizes in in-app laws. In addition, you can easily purchase data directly in the app. For each purchase, you get points that can be used for the next purchase. The more you commit, the more you earn!
- Change your favorite things in Flash trading
- Wait this time with your MB / MB provider, bad, sms anywhere
- Login by entering the format using Telenor 3G / 4G
“The impact of my experience” (users only) - View phone and SMS in the last 30 days
- Use phone, SMS and MB phone for 30 days.
- Monitoring operating systems and mobile phones and storage systems, credit cards / tips, mobile news and bank transfers
- Check your balance and voice for free!
- Your time when you write a card is a place
- Monitor your mobile and mobile phones
- Managing and improving brands and services
- Transfer to others (previously selected users)
- Add, change or delete your family and friends files
- Ask your questions about hiding Pakistan without suspects and keep control of your rules
- Get Internet control on the application
- Find your PIN / PUK number on the app
- Monitor your mobile and mobile phones
- Find the application to export